Types of Search Criteria

XML Indexing allows multi-dimensional searches on all types of XML data.

Data Type

XML Index Search can

Plain text

Use an exact phrase, or any word or letter in a phrase

Numerical and date information

Use expressions such as greater than, less than, or between two values

List and choice fields

Display the field values and let the user select relevant ones.

Note: Choices field values can consist of single letter.

Image Only

Use the alt or src attribute value


Use the text or href attribute value

For every search field, NoSelection is a value. If this is chosen, the search disregards that field when compiling results. However, the user must select a value (or range of values) in at least one field to get results.

Warning! Do not insert a calendar field into a Smart Form that allows multiple entries (using the Allow more than One option on the dialog). If you do, you cannot search the Smart Form using that field.

Warning! In order for Smart Form fields to searchable, they must be stored as elements not attributes.  If you are upgrading to version 7.5 or higher, inspect your Smart Forms and change field properties as needed so they are stored as elements not attributes.

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